Werrd Minute Yo-Yo

The Werrd MINUTE yo-yo is an undersized battleship ready for action! Amazing value for money and without compromise. The MINUTE is packed with everything. It’s not an illusion. At this size and shape you would be forgiven to think some sacrifices had been made but with much testing this yoyo doesn’t settle for second best. Its advanced weight distribution and rim-weighted design give it the power to be competition-ready even while being undersized.
Engineered with the highest level of design and performance it is incredibly easy to control and the smaller size helps with string rejection and chopstick style tricks. You would be challenged to find another undersized yoyo with better features and performance.
Available for the Werrd Bounty – Together with the EIGHTY-SIX400 and HOUR yoyos.
Important: this is an unresponsive modern performance yo-yo. Unlike classic yo-yos, unresponsive yo-yos do not come back with a simple tug of the string. You need to perform a trick called a "bind" to create enough friction inside the yo-yo to make it return smoothly to your hand. Learn more.
Weight (g): 66.5
Diameter (mm): 52.5
Width (mm): 46.0
Bearing Size: Centre Trac Large (Size C)
Response: Blueprint (K-Pad) 19mm OD Slim
Bind: Yes